Shipping & Returns
We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations.
- Once your order is placed and confirmed, there can be no changes made to the order or the delivery address that you have selected for that order.
- Purchase date is determined by the day payment is received and processed. Any delays from Paypal or your payment provider will cause a delay in the fulfillment time for your order.
- Items purchased during sales and peak time may experience a delay in fulfillment time.
- All order updates are sent our via email to the email on the account. All pending order inquiries are answered during business hours.
- All sets are handmade and orders are packed by hand.
- Orders may take from 2-4 weeks to complete prior to shipping.
Return Policy
- No refunds or exchanges.
- No switching or changing items after order has been placed.
- Not liable for any damage done to the products once applied or removed from the original packaging.
- Not responsible for lost or stolen packages.
- Due to the nature of the items being sold, all sales are final.